Did you know 60% of men and 40% of women experience snoring to some extent most nights (1). Adjustable beds, which assist in positioning your body to be in the best position, can be extremely helpful in the prevention of snoring.
Is snoring serious?
Because snoring is so common, it can often be overlooked or brushed aside, but snoring can be both a health risk and a major social problem for families. Snoring can impact more than just the snorer. Disruption of sleep for others in the household and ‘banishment’ to another bedroom for the snorer are the two most cited concerns. With restful sleep being vital to functional productivity, any regular and persistent activities which prevent restful sleep are potentially damaging.
Approximately 20% of snorers also suffer moderate to severe sleep apnea, a condition associated with high blood pressure, heart attack and stroke (1). Studies into the direct link between snoring and high blood pressure and heart attack continue as more is uncovered and understood about snoring and its causes and effects.
With less than 5% of people who snore seeking professional help, Seniors Plus, a proud supporter of Sleep Disorders Australia, is committed to raising awareness of the importance of paying attention to snoring and other sleep disorders.
Adjustable Beds and Snoring
Sleep apnea and being overweight are the most common reasons for constricted airway snoring. An adjustable bed allows your body to be in a sleeping position where your airways are not restricted in any way, and there is little to no pressure on your throat, nose or chest, giving you your best chance at a snore-free night. The benefits of adjustable beds are no longer restricted to hospitals and are rapidly making their way to people’s homes.
Positional Sleep Apnea
Sleep apnea involves brief pauses in breathing during sleep. The most common form of sleep apnea is obstructive sleep apnea. Obstructive sleep apnea occurs when the soft tissues of the upper airway and tongue relax during sleep. When the tissues and muscles relax, they can block the flow of air into the lungs.
Positional sleep apnea can affect as many as 49% of patients with mild sleep apnea (2), occurring when the majority of apneic episodes can be attributed to sleep position. When you are in a supine sleep position, lying flat on your back, the shape and size of your upper airway are altered. This sleep position, combined with gravity, increases the likelihood of obstructing the airway.
Therapeutic adjustable beds can assist people with positional sleep apnea and snoring by allowing positioning of the bed to prevent supine/back sleeping and keeping heads elevated.
There are many reasons someone may snore, and so it is important to get support from your doctor and health professionals if you are concerned. Adjustable beds can provide relief for snorers (and their families alike) through supportive sleep positions, and many people experience relief through Seniors Plus’ therapeutic adjustable bed solutions.
You may also be interested in this article – Can Sleep Apnea Be Cured?
(1) Sleep Disorders Australia, Snoring Fact Sheet https://www.sleepoz.org.au/sleep-apnea
(2) Spear, L. (2019). Why Clinicians May Miss Identifying Patients Who Could Benefitt from Positional Sleep Apnea Therapies. Sleep Review. https://www.sleepreviewmag.com/sleepdisorders/breathing-disorders/obstructive-sleep-apnea/positional-sleep-apnea-therapies/