Australians spend a lot of time at work. Despite the shift toward remote culture, a recently released data shows that 13% of Australians work for more than 50 hours per week. Unfortunately, more work often equals less sleep.
When we’re at work, many of us may experience a morning lull or an afternoon slump. While work schedules and stress might have an impact on sleep, the other way around goes as well. If you’ve experienced dozing a bit while sitting at your desk or listening at a business meeting, you’re well aware that a lack of sleep can have a negative influence on your job performance. You’re undoubtedly suffering from significant sleep deprivation if you spend your workdays counting down the seconds until bedtime. Your ability to focus on critical tasks might be hampered by sleep deprivation, which can make you feel sluggish and less creative.
It may be tiring to sacrifice sleep for work, then work even harder to make up for lost productivity. It’s impossible to have one without the other. Fortunately, knowing how sleep affects job performance can provide people with the information they need to break this cycle. Let’s take a deeper look at what a poor night’s sleep might do to your productivity at work.
Effects of Sleep Deprivation to Employees

We’re often taught that putting in a additional effort and load at work in exchange for a little more sleep is a sign of a productive person. However, sleep deprivation has a detrimental impact on both work performance, including productivity and quality, and interpersonal relationships with colleagues. Employees who don’t get enough sleep have a harder time concentrating, learning, and communicating. Because of their slower reaction times, people who are sleep deprived are also more likely to make mistakes and omissions. Tired employees take longer to react in important circumstances and are more likely to make a mistake as a result.
Sleep deprivation clearly has a negative impact on both personal and professional life. It is frequently recognized as a main or secondary cause of accidents in the workplace and in automobiles. It has also been referred as a justification for spontaneous absence or lateness at work
People who work while having a bad sleep last night might become more irritated, enraged, and prone to stress. Work-related stress and anger can be carried into the house, making it more difficult to fall asleep at night.
The Work-Life Balance

Working outside of an office has never been easier because of increased connectivity, which has blurred the lines between your job and being at home. According to research, being able to mentally disconnect from work after clocking off reduces the detrimental impacts of work-related stress. Many occupations, however, blur the barrier between work and home life due to excessive expectations on employees or the nature of the work itself. Employees that work from home or those who are on-call are frequently contacted through email, text, or instant messaging at any time of day or night.
In a work-from-home scenario, if you don’t feel like you can unplug from work, your stress levels might rise, which can interrupt your sleep. Anxiety about the news, finances, and the pandemic add to this stress. When parents combine childcare with a work-from-home setup, their performance is disrupted, leaving them with less time to sleep since they may opt to work later to finish tasks instead.
How to Improve Sleep to Improve Productivity

If you’re so exhausted at work because of sleep deprivation, it’s probably time to make some adjustments. Sleep may be difficult to come by, especially if your job requires you to do nothing but sit in front of a computer all day. You can improve your work performance and feel more inspired during the day if you get enough quality sleep on a regular basis. By prioritizing your sleep, you may begin to improve your work performance.
Your performance might suffer greatly if you try to focus on your work without getting adequate sleep. Start with your sleep routine if you want to improve your work performance. Despite popular belief that a lack of sleep leads to successful entrepreneurs, getting enough sleep is essential for keeping a pleasant, energetic, and productive mindset at work.
A good night’s sleep starts with a sleep system. Find your SleepHive sleep solution that best fits you to get that sweet sleep you need.