The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is a nationally-funded scheme designed to provide access to lifelong support for people living with a disability. Eligibility is based on age, residency status, and the nature of your impairment or condition and the impact it has on your daily functions.
The NDIS provides all Australians who meet the access requirements with the reasonable and necessary support they need to enjoy an ordinary life. There are generally 2 steps involved in accessing support under the NDIS:
- making a request to access the NDIS
- if access is approved, you, or the person you care for, will become a participant in the scheme and you will have an NDIS plan developed and approved.
Are you eligible for the NDIS?
To be eligible for the NDIS, you first need to meet the age and residence requirements. This means you need to be younger than 65 when you apply, live in Australia, and be an Australian citizen or permanent resident.
You also need to have a disability caused by an impairment such as a loss or significant change in your body’s function, structure, or in how you think and learn. Under the law for the NDIS, the program checks if you’re eligible based on your impairments, not your type of disability or diagnosis. You will need to meet either the disability requirements or the early intervention requirements.
Eligibility criteria
The National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) is responsible for assessing your eligibility to participate in the NDIS. To be eligible you must:
- Be under 65 years of age (My Aged Care applies over 65)
- Be a resident of Australia
- Have an impairment or condition that is likely to be permanent (lifelong) and stops you from doing everyday things yourself.
To meet the disability requirements, we must have evidence of all the following:
- You have a disability caused by an impairment.
- Your impairment is likely to be permanent.
- Your impairment means you have a substantially reduced functional capacity to do one or more daily life activities. These activities include moving around, communicating, socialising, learning, and undertaking self-care or self-management tasks.
- Your impairment affects your ability to work, study or participate in social life.
- You’ll likely need NDIS supports your whole life.
>> You may be interested in this article – Adjustable Beds for Seniors: A Practical Guide.
Steps for eligibility criteria
Step 1: Review the requirements on the NDIS Access Checklist.
Step 2: Call the NDIA on 1800 800 110 to discuss your eligibility.
The Adjustable Bed That Could Change Your Life
You may be able to enjoy the benefits of Seniors Plus’s adjustable bed sleep system through NDIS.
What is a Class 1 medical device?
A Class I medical device is a classification of medical devices under the Therapeutic Goods Act 1989.
Medical devices generally are defined as:
Being intended for human use, for:
- the diagnosis, prevention, monitoring, prediction, prognosis, treatment or alleviation of disease; or
- diagnosis, monitoring, treatment, alleviation of or compensation for an injury or disability.
Other devices, which may be used for contraception or medical testing, are also classed as medical devices.
Medical devices are monitored by the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA), which certifies them as Class I, Class IIa, Class IIb, Class III, or AIMD devices. Class I devices are medical devices with a low risk to the user and the general public.
Seniors Plus Adjustable Bed System
Seniors Plus Adjustable Bed System is designated as Class I medical devices because they incorporate Celliant®, a textile technology that converts body heat to infrared energy and Whole Body Vibration therapy.
Celliant® Fibre
Celliant® Fibre is a textile technology that converts body heat to infrared energy. Celliant, manufactured by Hologenix and sponsored by Perform-Tex Australasia, is classed as a medical device in both Australia and New Zealand, and is included in Sleep Hive’s leading sleep systems and therapeutic chairs.
CELLIANT provides a range of scientifically validated benefits, including:
- Promoting local circulation
- Improving cellular oxygenation
- Increasing cell recovery speed
- Aiding thermoregulation
Whole Body Vibration
Whole Body Vibration therapy is a type of therapeutic massage.
Registered with the TGA as a class 1 medical device, Seniors Plus’s Whole Body Vibration therapy uses a generated mechanical stimulus to activate muscle spindles and is included in our sleep systems and therapeutic chairs.
Whole Body Vibration may assist in providing several benefits, including:
- Reduction in musculoskeletal pain
- Increase local area blood flow
- Assist joint mobilisation
- Improve sleep quality
More about the Whole Body Vibration – 7 Benefits of Whole Boday Vibration Therapy in Adjustable Beds
For more about how adjustable beds work, you can visit Adjustable Beds For Seniors: A Practical Guide.