Whole-Body Vibration Therapy (WBVT) has a long history as a holistic type of physical therapy.
Before Russia’s use of WBVT for athletes popularised it from the 1960s onwards, the benefits of whole-body vibration were referenced by Greek, Roman, Japanese and French scholars [1]. They recognised that even irregular vibrations, like those created by horse-drawn carriages, could be helpful for maintaining good health.
Quick Definition: Whole-Body Vibration Therapy
Whole-body vibration therapy in adjustable beds is the intentional application of vertical or horizontal oscillations to the body, whereby a device transmits a vibration stimulus throughout the body for the purpose of improving physical health.
Today, WBVT is used in both sports and medical therapy, with a growing body of research indicating that its benefits include everything from increased strength to treatment of neurodegenerative diseases [2].
In this article, we’re going to look at seven benefits of whole-body vibration therapy, including the positive impacts WBVT has on the muscular and skeletal systems. Let’s get into it.
Benefits of Whole Body Vibration Therapy

1. Reduces back pain
One of the most popular applications of WBVT in adjustable beds is reducing back pain. Bad posture, exercise-related injuries and poor working conditions have produced a modern epidemic of chronic back pain, with low back pain (LBP) the most common form – around 80% of people will be affected by LBP at some point in their lives [3, 4].
Around 80% of LBP cases are non-specific in cause, which makes targeted treatments (like spinal surgery) impossible to use [5]. This leaves non-invasive techniques like WBVT as the most viable treatment option for many sufferers of LBP.
Although LBP has many different causes, it is often associated with “reduced abdominal and back extensor stabilization muscle activity” (weakness in your lower back and core muscles), and paravertebral muscles spasms [6]. Studies have indicated that WBVT can help strengthen your core and lower back muscles by activating stretch reflexes; at frequencies below 20 Hz, WBVT can also combat spasms by relaxing your muscles [6].
A 2018 study, for example, found that five minutes of low-frequency WBVT for five minutes improved low back neuromuscular coordination and muscle flexibility without any adverse effects [5].
A 2019 study spanning 12 weeks found that WBVT reduced low back pain, improved lumbar joint position sense and enhanced overall quality of life for patients with non-specific WBVT [7].
Importantly, WBVT should only be used to treat LBP at low frequencies – long-term exposure to high-frequency whole-body vibrations can actually cause lower back problems, as demonstrated by a 2019 study of heavy mining vehicle operators [8].
2. Improves muscular strength and performance
One of the first uses of WBVT was to supplement the training of professional athletes, so it shouldn’t be surprising that whole-body vibrations can effectively improve muscular strength and power.
>> You may also be interested in Adjustable Beds for Seniors: A Practical Guide
Many different studies have concluded that both low- and high-frequency WBVT has demonstrable benefits for knee strength, which leads to greater jump height, greater mobility and overall improved leg function [9, 10, 11]. Studies have also found that WBVT improves upper body muscular strength, although it should be noted that research around this area is not as extensive [12, 13, 14].
These improvements aren’t just limited to athletes, either.
A number of studies have evidenced that elderly individuals can particularly benefit from the therapeutic use of whole-body vibrations [15]. As we get older, we become prone to decreases in both muscle mass and function, which puts us at greater risk of falls, increases our risk of numerous health conditions, compromises our quality-of-life and can even strip us of our independence. WBVT can help counteract these problems by improving muscular strength, jump height, power output, muscular contractions, posture and lower leg muscle mass [15].
Vibrational therapy, especially in adjustable beds, can also help treat physical conditions like cerebral palsy. One clinical trial found that a 12-week intervention of WBVT for children with spastic diplegia improved knee extension strength, walking speed and motor development, and reduced muscle spasticity [16].
3. Improves balance
Because balance is closely linked to leg strength, and we’ve already seen that WBVT can improve muscle function, it makes sense that our sense of balance benefits from vibrational therapy too.
Interestingly, though, there is conflicting evidence as to whether WBVT actually improves balance in a clinical setting. Let’s break it down.
The largest body of literature about WBVT and balance focuses on its application for older populations (typically 65+ years of age). Virtually all studies conclude that there are definite and measurable benefits for balance [17, 18, 19, 20].
Children with cerebral palsy can also benefit from WBVT, with multiple studies indicating it improves balance and general standing function [21, 22]. The same goes for athletes with chronic ankle instability [23].
In patients with chronic stroke and adults with multiple sclerosis, though, results have been inconclusive at best. A 2014 pilot study for stroke survivors concluded that WBVT could be a feasible part of physical rehabilitation, while a 2014 systematic review of eight clinical trials found no evidence that vibration therapy could help post-stroke mobility or balance. A 2018 study on women with multiple sclerosis found that WBVT did not improve balance, postural control or mobility; the study’s authors also noted that previous studies about MS and WBVT had also produced conflicting evidence [26].
So what does this mean, exactly? Although we can’t draw conclusions without further evidence, one possible explanation is that WBVT improves balance when balance loss is linked to muscular weakness or instability, due the way it activates and strengthens muscle. In cases where balance loss is linked to nerve function, WBVT appears to have little to no discernible impact on balance.
4. Improves bone strength and density
Whole-body vibration therapy can result in significant improvements in bone strength and density.
Bone formation (also known as osteogenesis) can be stimulated by pressure, particularly if that pressure occurs in an upright position, as it does in vertical WBVT [27]. Vibration therapy can also increase the levels of growth hormone and testosterone in serum (a component of your blood), which helps prevent sarcopenia and osteoporosis [28].
A review of studies about WBVT use for postmenopausal women found that seven of the 12 included studies showed positive impacts on bone mineral density, with some additional changes found in the patients’ biomarkers [29].
Numerous other studies have confirmed that WBVT has positive impacts on bone density, particularly in elderly people, making it an excellent choice of therapy to combat osteoporosis [15, 30, 31, 32].
It’s also important to understand that WBVT benefits long-term bone health by reducing the risk of falls. Because of its benefits to lower body strength, stability and balance, older people using WBVT are less likely to fall over and, consequently, less likely to break or fracture their bones.
5. Improves blood circulation
Improving blood circulation seems like an obvious benefit to vibration therapy – your body is being gently shaken, so it makes sense that your blood will flow faster.
So what does the science say? Let’s take a look.
A lot of the literature around WBVT and blood circulation examines whether vibration therapy improves peripheral blood flow – that is, blood flow to your limbs. A 2015 study found that side-alternating vibrations applied at less than 30 Hz improved blood flow, with the most significant results occurring at 10 Hz. Interestingly, that same study also found that WBVT doesn’t affect muscle oxygenation levels (better oxygenation leads to better muscular performance) [33].
A 2019 study corroborated these findings, also noting that WBV of frequencies less than 30 Hz improved skin temperature, as did a 2001 study, which found 9-minute vertical vibrations of 26 Hz significantly increased peripheral circulation [34, 35].
A recent studied, published February 2020, found that WBVT increased stem/progenitor cell circulation levels and reduced inflammation, indicating that vibration therapy could be a treatment option for patients who are immobilised or unable to fully participate in normal exercise [36].
Interestingly, the blood flow effects of WBVT also have implications for people with diabetes. One study found that vibration therapy could improve skin blood flow and nitric oxide production, making it a potential treatment for diabetes-related neurovascular complications, while another concluded that WBVT improved resting diastolic blood pressure and peak systolic velocity [37, 38].
The bottom line? WBVT has clear benefits for blood flow.
6. Reduces the impacts of stress
In addition to all its other benefits, whole-body vibration therapy in adjustable beds may also help reduce stress. There is a small body of evidence that indicates WBVT helps reduce levels of cortisol, the hormone that causes stress.
Two studies, tested using vibrations of up to 30 Hz, found that vertical WBVT significantly lessened cortisol levels in men – the studies either didn’t include women or found no evidence of cortisol reduction for the female participants [39, 40]. A 2015 study purely on cortisol levels in young men found that WBVT used on its own (as opposed to in conjunction with weighted squats) reduced cortisol levels in participants when applied at lower frequencies [41].
Interestingly, a 2008 study of older individuals found that WBVT used during resistance training actually increased cortisol levels, although it should be noted that the frequency used was 30 Hz, which is higher than some of the other studies we’ve talked about [42].
So, although low-frequency WBVT seems to improve cortisol levels in young, healthy males, the evidence is still out on whether it does the same for women and older people.
7. Boosts fat loss
The final benefit that whole-body vibrational therapy can provide is an increased rate of fat loss. No, it doesn’t just vibrate the fat off you – WBVT actually activates GH and testosterone production, two hormones which help reduce fat mass and increase muscle mass. Vibration therapy’s cortisol-reduction effects also help minimise the fat stored around organs.
Two studies we mentioned earlier both conclusively demonstrated that healthy men treated with WBV will benefit from GH and testosterone increases, although the Fricke et al study noted that WBV actually decreased GH levels in its female subjects [39, 40].
A recent 2020 pilot study indicated that WBVT might also assist with maximal fat oxidisation (fat oxidisation occurs when your body breaks down fatty acids for fuel), although the study’s authors noted that further research will be needed before any conclusions can be drawn [43].
Again, it seems that using WBVT for fat loss is, at the moment, an option suitable only for men, although future studies may well indicate fat-loss benefits for women too.
Does whole-body vibration therapy still work lying down?
If you’re wondering whether you can get all the benefits of WBVT from lying prone on a device like adjustable beds, the answer is yes, you can.
Multiple studies have noted that vibration therapy still works lying down, which is useful for patients who are immobile or suffering from debilitating conditions [44, 45].
One study even found that very low frequencies (1–4 Hz) helped improve sleep. Of the study’s subjects (who were both male and female of varying ages), 76.47% experienced improvement in onset of sleep and slept more soundly, while 23.52% experienced no change from their previous sleeping patterns [46]. The study also noted that there were no observable side effects [46].
Using whole-body vibration therapy with Seniors Plus
If you’ve read this far, you probably have a pretty good idea of how whole-body vibration therapy works and the incredible range of benefits it can offer you. It’s especially useful for older people or mobility-impaired individuals who can’t engage in traditional forms of exercise.
And that’s exactly why three of our four product ranges include whole-body vibration therapy as a custom setting. Our Adjustable Bed Base Range, Euro Luxury HiLo Collection and Haven Recliner Lift Chairs all feature low-frequency whole-body vibration therapy systems designed to help you relax, improve your sleep quality and provide you with the other health benefits of WBVT.
Interested in learning how you can experience whole-body vibration therapy yourself? Get in touch with us. Our experienced customer service team will take the time to understand your unique needs and recommend a therapeutic system that’s right for you.
[1] Kaeding, T. S. (2016) The Historical Evolution of the Therapeutic Application of Whole Body Vibrations: Any Lessons to be Learned? Austin Sports Medicine. 1(1), 1–4.
[2] Yang, X., Wang, P., Liu, C., He, C., & Reinhardt, J. D. (2014) The effect of whole body vibration on balance, gait performance and mobility in people with stroke: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Clinical Rehabilitation. 29(7), 627–638. DOI: 10.1177/0269215514552829
[3] Office of Communications and Public Liaison (2020, April 27) Low Back Pain Fact Sheet. National Institute of Health. Retrieved: https://www.ninds.nih.gov/Disorders/Patient-Caregiver-Education/Fact-Sheets/Low-Back-Pain-Fact-Sheet
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[10] Manimmanakorn, N., Hamlin, M. J., Ross, J. J., & Manimmanakorn, A. (2014) Long-Term Effect of Whole Body Vibration Training on Jump Height. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. 28(6), 1739–1750. DOI: 10.1519/jsc.0000000000000320
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[18] Sucuoglu, H., Tuzun, S., Akbaba, Y. A., Uludag, M. & Gokpinar, H. H. (2015) Effect of Whole-Body Vibration on Balance Using Posturography and Balance Tests in Postmenopausal Women. American Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. 94(7), 499–507. DOI: 10.1097/PHM.0000000000000325
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[20] Ko, M.-C., Wu, L.-S., Lee, S., Wang, C.-C., Lee, P.-F., Tseng, C.-Y., & Ho, C.-C. (2017) Whole-body vibration training improves balance control and sit-to-stand performance among middle-aged and older adults: a pilot randomized controlled trial. European Review of Aging and Physical Activity. 14(1). DOI: 10.1186/s11556-017-0180-8
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[30] Camacho-Cardenosa, M., Camacho-Cardenosa, A., Burtscher, M., Brazo-Sayavera, J., Tomas-Carus, P., Olcina, G., & Timón, R. (2019) Effects of Whole-Body Vibration Training Combined With Cyclic Hypoxia on Bone Mineral Density in Elderly People. Frontiers in Physiology. 10. DOI: 10.3389/fphys.2019.01122
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[32] Minematsu, A., Nishii, Y., Imagita, H. & Sakata, S. (2019) Possible effects of whole body vibration on bone properties in growing rats. Osteoporosis and Sarcopenia. 5(3), 78–83. DOI: 10.1016/j.afos.2019.07.001
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[36] Jawed, Y., Beli, E., March, K., Kaleth, A. & Loghmani, M. T. (2020) Whole-Body Vibration Training Increases Stem/Progenitor Cell Circulation Levels and May Attenuate Inflammation. Military Medicine. 185(1), 404–412. DOI: 10.1093/milmed/usz247
[37] Johnson, P. K., Feland, J. B., Johnson, A. W., Mack, G. W., & Mitchell, U. H. (2014) Effect of Whole Body Vibration on Skin Blood Flow and Nitric Oxide Production. Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology. 8(4), 889–894. DOI: 10.1177/1932296814536289
[38] Manimmanakorn, N., Manimmanakorn, A., Phuttharak, W. & Hamlin, M. J. (2017) Effects of Whole Body Vibration on Glycemic Indices and Peripheral Blood Flow in Type II Diabetic Patients. Malaysian Journal of Medical Sciences. 24(4), 55–63. DOI: 10.21315/mjms2017.24.4.7
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[41] Chen, Z., Sharma-Ghimire, P., Kim, D. & Ye, X. (2015) Acute effects of whole-body vibration and resistance exercise on cortisol levels in young men. International Journal of Exercise Science. 8(1), 11–20.
[42] Cardinale, M., Soiza, R. L., Leiper, J. B., Gibson, A., & Primrose, W. R. (2008) Hormonal responses to a single session of wholebody vibration exercise in older individuals. British Journal of Sports Medicine. 44(4), 284–288. DOI: 10.1136/bjsm.2007.043232
[43] Emerenziani, G. P., Ferrari, D., Fittipaldi, S., Bimonte, V. M., Marocco, C., Greco, E. A., Perroni, F., Migliaccio, S., Lenzi, A., Baldari, C. & Guidetti, L. (2020) Effects of Acute Whole-Body Vibration Practice on Maximal Fat Oxidation in Adult Obese Males: A Pilot Study. Obesity Facts. 13(2), 117–129. DOI: 10.1159/000505665
[44] Boeselt, T., Nell, C., Kehr, K., Holland, A., Dresel, M., Greulich, T., Tackenberg, B., Kenn, K., Boeder, J., Klapdor, B., Kirschbaum, A., Vogelmeier, C., Alter, P. & Koczulla, A. R. (2016) Whole-body vibration therapy in intensive care patients: A feasibility and safety study. Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine. 48(3), 316–321. DOI: 10.2340/16501977-2052
[45] Crevenna, R., Cenik, F., Margreiter, M., Marhold, M., Sedghi Komanadj, T., & Keilani, M. (2016) Whole body vibration therapy on a treatment bed as additional means to treat postprostatectomy urinary incontinence. Wiener Medizinische Wochenschrift. 167(5-6), 139–141. DOI: 10.1007/s10354-016-0469-7
[46] Utami, I. (2018) Building design and performance test of vibration beds with Whole Body Vibration. Journal of Global Pharma Technology. 10(5), 35–40.